Maybe you want to show what is hanging on your cubicle walls. Social media inspires that type of sharing, with viral posts asking you to show off your clean (or messy) desk. People like to take pictures of their workspaces.

Here are some of the social media threats presented by employees. It’s an issue across every industry, across every type of workplace. And they don’t realize it’s a problem because it isn’t a focus of cybersecurity awareness training. They post dozens of times a day without ever realizing the security fallout or the threat of personal and business identity theft. Posting pictures and videos is a personal brand to many. Instead, this lack of professional social media discretion could lead to a security breakdown.Īll photos and videos shared from workplaces can contain sensitive information that employees don’t even realize they are sharing. In fact, some employees think they are doing their employers a favor by putting up pictures and videos showing off the workplace or anything with the corporate logo. Or, they may have no policies in place about what can and cannot be posted online. Rather, leadership may not be aware of what their employees are sharing on social media.

It’s not that they don’t want to protect their intellectual property or trade secrets. Most organizations aren’t so strict about photos taken on-site or what ends up on social media. Organizations should take a cue from them when it comes to cybersecurity training. These folks weren’t kidding around about protecting any details about their security operations. Casino staff quickly escorted them out of the room and off the tour. In one room, someone tried to slyly pull out their phone to snap a picture. The casino staff also asked us not to share any details about what we saw or heard on social media. No pictures, we were told, because it could reveal information that would jeopardize casino security. Before we could enter, however, we had to turn off our phones and put them away. A few years ago, I was invited on a behind-the-scenes tour of the security operations of a well-known Las Vegas casino.